Jun 2022


Fancy a career change but think you’re too old?

Think again! There are plenty of options available to change your career path that doesn’t have an age limit. Regardless of your age, don’t be scared to give it a crack! Changing careers at any age can be daunting, especially as we get older. The job market is competitive and you may think that the older you are, the less chance you have of landing that dream job, being up against the younger competition. The truth is though that your age means you have heaps of transferrable work and life skills that your younger counterparts won’t have!


Each year thousands of Australians over 40 embark on a new career.

Here are some tips for you to be one of them:

  • Consider Your Options

Some industries are more competitive when it comes to age, but many aren’t. For example the building and construction industry has no age limit. From manual jobs, to supervisory roles or roles in safety – there are many options available.

  • Get Qualified

Give yourself the competitive edge and get qualified. Registered Training Organisations (RTO’s) are a great place to start.

Dawsons Training is an RTO offering 40 different courses ( or Units of Competency) in QLD and the NT, through face-to-face delivery, on site at your workplace or at a suitable training venue. We offer Nationally Recognized Training! Nationally Recognized Training gets you started in your new career!!

Having relevant certificates and qualifications will go a long way with getting your foot in the door. Courses vary in length from one day, to one week at Dawsons Training and can offer a range of certificate qualifications that are relevant, practical and don’t break the budget.


  • It’s always what you know, and sometimes whom you know

Listen out among your friends and family networks for anyone who mentions they may be looking to fill a role and ask around too. If someone can vouch for you and your work ethic then this can go a long way in landing a new job even if you don’t have the skills or experience, It doesn’t matter how old you are, if you want to explore a new career option – then go for it!


Research what your current skills will make you suitable for, look to see how you can up-skill with short courses or qualifications and apply! Call our friendly staff to discuss your options. Dawsons Training is a Registered CSQ Subsidized Training Provider.


CSQ Subsidy is available to eligible participants!!! That means you pay a fraction of the retail price. Call our friendly team on 40585285.


Reach for the stars; you’re never too old to change your career path!

