Why Training Your Employees is an Investment, not an Expense


May 2021

Imagine a football team about to play in a competition — but half the players don’t know what to do in their positions. The result would be chaos. Without the correct training to execute their roles skilfully, players can’t achieve results.

The same is true of any business. Ignore training your team, and you’ll be at a disadvantage. But if you invest in developing employee skills and on-the-job training, then the benefits can add up to a premiership!

Spread the Knowledge, Reap the Profits

By investing in worker training, you show people you care about honing their talent. It shows your staff that you care. And that care rewards your organisation, too: “Taking an honest interest in someone builds loyalty. Loyal employees are more engaged. Engaged employees are more productive.” says successful company Design Prodigy.

One study even noted that companies with comprehensive training plans enjoy 24 percent higher profit margins than those that spend less on training.

At Design Prodigy, they experienced these benefits first-hand. After instituting a massive shift towards staff development, within one year, their revenues climbed over 20 percent. Within two years, they had doubled. A core reason was because investing in upskilling fired up efficiency. 

“I think one of us is equal to three people in a similar competitor.”


A Learning-based Brand is an Attractive Brand

Many new hires see on-the-job training as a key reason to stay on. Make sure the training is reputable and meets the correct standards.


Bespoke Training Makes for High Performing Employees

Think of training as a tool that broadens your pool of potential candidates. As long as you see the right latent qualities in that person, you can sharpen their skills to exactly what you need.


How to Venture into Training

Those are just some of the advantages of training and development. So how should you start? Talk with Dawsons Training about their Nationally Recognized Training. 

1. Make Use of Free or Cost-saving Training Plans

Talk with Dawsons Training about eligibility for Construction Skills Queensland subsidized training or check out the CSQ website: https://www.csq.org.au/


2. Create Reusable Training Materials

A little investment now can help you for years to come. Why not nominate a manager to take on responsibility for training? For example, their task can be to create some training material for internal training as well as coordinate training support from Dawsons Training.

3. Build a Robust Culture of Learning

As many of our customers have told us, if you don’t invest in staff training you end up costing your business. Source high quality training support for your staff that is specific to your business needs. There must be full buy-in from senior management for training investment, as ignoring training and development will become a cost to your business.

Teach your teams to perform better, and the benefits can reverberate for years. “If you want to make double-digit growth,” says Design Prodigy, then training “is a critical investment. If you want to survive in this scary world of robotics and giant competitors, you need to get staff training up and running.”


